Thursday, 6 October 2011

Pre Lim task five- photographs for designs

In today's lesson we had to get all of our pictures for our school magazine, and think about what angles we wanted to use and why and make sure that all the pictures we needed were taken

Preliminary Task Five - Pictures For My Magazine

These are the pictures that I have taken for my school magazine. I will state weather I am going to use them or not, and provide explanation

This is a picture that I took of some books in the libary for my 'All New Libary Books' article. I decided not to use this because I felt another picture with more books would be more suitable as I was meant to be conveying that lots of new libary books had been delivered, not just a small selection.

I decided to use this one instead as it seemed more exciting as there was more books and made it look like there was a higher variaty of books

This is a picture I took of a Weatherhead sixth former, and I decided not to use this becuase you could see the side of the vending machine and the notices behind Emily. i felt that the shot was too wide.

I decided to use this one instead as I liked the fact it is a medium shot and the smile connotes that if you are a sixth former you are going to be happy at Weatherhead.

This is a picture of our school nurse, Claire. I have decided to use this picture. although her facial expression is not perfect, I was only able to take one picture of her and I believe that I should use it because it will help anchor the text 'Your Health - Explained'

Here is a picture of two ice radio members. I decided not to use this as I wanted Ice radio to seem fun and exciting and although one of them has a happy expression the other does not, so I re took the photo

Here both the girls are smiling and it gives a positive impression on the reader about what ice radio is like 

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