Thursday, 6 October 2011

Pre Lim task one (plans for school magazine) and Pre Lim task two (sketch of front cover)

In today's lesson, we had to think about our school magazine we will produce as a preliminary task and what we wanted to include on our front cover, as well as producing a rough sketch of what we want our front cover to look like

Preliminary Task One and Two - Front Cover ideas

     For my preliminary task, I am going to make a school magazine. The title I have chosen for my school magazine is ‘WeatherNews’. I have chosen this title because it fits with the fact that it is a news magazine about the school for students who attend the school. My main image will be taken in the ice radio station and will be of a member of the ice radio team wearing the presenter headphones. This is because one of my feature stories is about the new ice radio team and so it fits in with the cover story. On my front cover I will have six coverlines:
·         IRIS rewards find out all the new iris rewards available – requested by you!
·         Lunch Time Troubles we interview the dinner staff and ask them your questions
·         Meet The SSLT we interview the SSLT & get the low down on what’s hot and what’s not in schools upcoming events!
·         *exclusive* Meet the new ice radio Team!! (this is my anchorage coverline)
·         Clubs we all need some extra curricular fun , so we give you the a-z on clubs!
·         Your health – Explained we catch up with the nurse to see what she has to say
Task Two - sketch of front cover

This is what I hope my front cover will look like when i am finished:

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