Wednesday, 26 October 2011

Analysis of professional Double Page Spread

Today, we had to analyse professional double page spread articles, to help us when we come to create our own, here is what I found:
View more presentations from hannahthomson

Monday, 17 October 2011

Analysis of professional contents pages

In todays lesson, we learnt about codes and conventions of contents pages from real life proffesional magazines, and we made a video talking about the codes and conventions from two magazine contents pages of our chosen genre.

Friday, 14 October 2011

Analysis of professional Front Covers

We were asked to analyse professional front covers of our genre, and these are my findings:

Tuesday, 11 October 2011

Preliminary Task Evaluation

This is my evaluation of how I feel the whole preliminary task has gone:

Friday, 7 October 2011

Quark Express production process and final school contents page

I created my contents page using a new software, Quark Express, this is how i developed my contents page and what my final contents page looked like:

Contents page production

This is my contents page :

Stage One:

In Quark express I created my contents page, I started of with just an image of my front cover and the title 'contents page'

Stage Two:

This is my contents page after I had added my three images. I decided to use these particular images because they related to the articles and could make the article headings anchorage text

Stage Three:

I have added some of my feature article headings and page numbers

Stage Four:

I have added some more feature article headings here. To create my finished contents page I added my Regular content

Thursday, 6 October 2011

Photoshop production process and final school front cover

Over the last two lessons, we developed our Photoshop front covers, this is how i developed mine and what my final piece looked like:

Preliminary Task Six - Final Front Cover

This is my final front cover:

Here is a step by step of how I created my front cover:

Phase one:

I started of with a blank page in Adobe Photoshop

Phase Two:

I added my front cover first, and chose my colour scheme of purple and yellow as I wanted the magazine to have a happy feel as students are happy at Weatherhead

Phase Three:

I then added my Main image and cropped it, deleting the background and just leaving the two presenters and Ice Radio Presenter Headphones to show where they are because i knew that this would link to my main coverline. I also added a barcode and issue date and number because I knew I would be using them and where they would be positioned as this is typical of Magazines

Phase Four:

This shows the majority of coverlines on the page, although not in the final postition. I added some more coverlines and moved them round a bit more before ending up with the finished product

Pre Lim task five- photographs for designs

In today's lesson we had to get all of our pictures for our school magazine, and think about what angles we wanted to use and why and make sure that all the pictures we needed were taken

Preliminary Task Five - Pictures For My Magazine

These are the pictures that I have taken for my school magazine. I will state weather I am going to use them or not, and provide explanation

This is a picture that I took of some books in the libary for my 'All New Libary Books' article. I decided not to use this because I felt another picture with more books would be more suitable as I was meant to be conveying that lots of new libary books had been delivered, not just a small selection.

I decided to use this one instead as it seemed more exciting as there was more books and made it look like there was a higher variaty of books

This is a picture I took of a Weatherhead sixth former, and I decided not to use this becuase you could see the side of the vending machine and the notices behind Emily. i felt that the shot was too wide.

I decided to use this one instead as I liked the fact it is a medium shot and the smile connotes that if you are a sixth former you are going to be happy at Weatherhead.

This is a picture of our school nurse, Claire. I have decided to use this picture. although her facial expression is not perfect, I was only able to take one picture of her and I believe that I should use it because it will help anchor the text 'Your Health - Explained'

Here is a picture of two ice radio members. I decided not to use this as I wanted Ice radio to seem fun and exciting and although one of them has a happy expression the other does not, so I re took the photo

Here both the girls are smiling and it gives a positive impression on the reader about what ice radio is like 

Pre Lim task three (contents for school magazine) and Pre Lim task four (sketch of contents page)

Today, we had to think about what we wanted to include in our contents page for our school magazine and what feature and regular content we could include, as well as creating a rough sketch as to what we wanted our contents page to look like

Preliminary task Three and Four - Contents page ideas

Task Three

These are some ideas I wish to include in my contents page

Regular content that will appear in every issue of my magazine:
·         Horoscopes
·         Letter from the head
·         Agony aunt page
·         Leadership! Page
·         Dates for your diary
Ten feature articles that will appear in this issue:
1.       Iris rewards
2.       Lunch time troubles
3.       Meet the sslt
4.       Clubs!
5.       Meet the new ice radio team
6.       Your health – explained
7.       Trips
8.       A day in the life of...  a sixth former
9.       New library books
10.   Modern foreign languages week
Images that I will use on my contents page:
·         Emily Aston (a day in the life of a sixth former)
·         Books (for the article about the new books in the library)
·         A picture of the nurse to show that there is an interview with her in the issue

Task Four

This is a rough sketch of what i want my contents page to look like:

Pre Lim task one (plans for school magazine) and Pre Lim task two (sketch of front cover)

In today's lesson, we had to think about our school magazine we will produce as a preliminary task and what we wanted to include on our front cover, as well as producing a rough sketch of what we want our front cover to look like

Preliminary Task One and Two - Front Cover ideas

     For my preliminary task, I am going to make a school magazine. The title I have chosen for my school magazine is ‘WeatherNews’. I have chosen this title because it fits with the fact that it is a news magazine about the school for students who attend the school. My main image will be taken in the ice radio station and will be of a member of the ice radio team wearing the presenter headphones. This is because one of my feature stories is about the new ice radio team and so it fits in with the cover story. On my front cover I will have six coverlines:
·         IRIS rewards find out all the new iris rewards available – requested by you!
·         Lunch Time Troubles we interview the dinner staff and ask them your questions
·         Meet The SSLT we interview the SSLT & get the low down on what’s hot and what’s not in schools upcoming events!
·         *exclusive* Meet the new ice radio Team!! (this is my anchorage coverline)
·         Clubs we all need some extra curricular fun , so we give you the a-z on clubs!
·         Your health – Explained we catch up with the nurse to see what she has to say
Task Two - sketch of front cover

This is what I hope my front cover will look like when i am finished:

Wednesday, 5 October 2011

Camera Angles - You've Been Framed Task

In today's lesson, we got set a task in small groups to look at different camera angles. Here are the pictures that my group took:

Camera Angles

A low angle medium close up

A two shot in medium long shot

A very long shot conveying isolation

An extreme close up of time

An over the shoulder shot of someone writing

A high angle long shot

A big close up of someone using a mobile phone

A close up of someone in nature

A medium close up

A long shot

A photograph which has connotations of friendship

A photograph which has connotations of stress